
Why Choose us?

Triveni Oil was founded on 18 December 2018 in Baramati and in no time became a benchmark in cold-pressed oil segment. Our motto is “Purity is our soul” and we undertake every measure to make sure we stick to the motto.

But this doesn’t end here. We truly want to rid the world of diseases and take it to the golden age where there are no diseases.

Our innate curiosity to constantly make our products stand out from the crowd through continuous and uninterrupted R&D has resulted in production of high-quality product with eye catching Packaging. This makes Triveni Oil one amongst the fastest growing and the most beloved brand available on the market. This has also won us many awards and accolades to our name.

Our Vision

To make sure every single person in this world gets a product that is pure and of high quality and always strive to make the world free of diseases and full of health, wealth and happiness.

Our Mission

Triveni Oil is on a mission to empower people all over the world to lead a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. The motto of Triveni Oils is “Purity is our soul” and we undertake every measure to make sure that we never stray away from our motto – “Purity is our soul” is simply not just a catchy tagline for us, it is our culture and it is deeply ingrained in us.

And how do we stay true to this motto? We are Honest, Dedicated, Responsible, Humble, and Transparent in everything we do. But we don’t stop here. We zealously pursue child-like curiosity in R&D to make sure we go above and beyond our expectations every single time.

Our deep commitment and responsibility always looks out for the people and society at large by championing various socioeconomic issues plaguing our society.

Why Triveni Oil

What makes us Worth

Great for skin
The extracted oil is used as an effective moisturizer and an excellent treatment for skin irritations.
Great for hair
Wooden churned oils are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and helps retain the moisture in your hair and stimulates growth.
Boosts immunity
Antioxidants protect the body from toxins and free radicals. Wooden churned oil contains phytochemicals and vitamin E, both of which are natural antioxidants.
Helps lower bad
The biggest benefit of wooden churned oils is that it controls the LDL cholesterol levels and increases HDL levels.
Lowers cancer & heart
disease risk
Oils extracted by wooden churner contains some powerful antioxidants, which means it may help protect against cancer and heart disease.
Reduces risks of
cardiovascular disease
In comparison to other oils, wooden churned groundnut oil does not lead to blockage of arteries and also helps in maintaining the cholesterol levels in the body.


The Saga of Triveni Oil & Foods

The founder of the company Shubhangi Vasantrao Choudhar, had Type-2 diabetes and had to undergo Bariatric surgery. Doctors had given up and told her that she had only four months and the family was told to plan accordingly. At the same time her husband and some close family members were also suffering from heart diseases and other life-threatening conditions, while her father-in-law was suffering from paralysis.

In such a scenario all the doctors had one common recommendation and that was to stop consumption of oil with chemicals. The Choudhar family then started using market available cold pressed oils in daily food. But they soon realized that the products were not pure enough and had further jeopardized their health conditions. During this phase Shubhangi Choudhar had to undergo another bariatric surgery for the second time. Post-surgery, realizing the gravity her life was in she undertook a Govt of India designed course run by Khadi Gram Udyog for processing of wood churned oil. She was trained through the total process – right from choosing the raw material to hygienic operation in plant, to storage and packaging of the final product.

The idea to set this company was thus formed – betterment of the people who were suffering from heart and obesity related diseases was the core thought. To give people pure wooden churned oils for daily consumption, so that they do not have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they had gone through was the need of the hour and is being ably fulfilled by Triveni Oil and Food Products.

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